Thank you for all you have given the students and all you have done for my child. I still remember being a young parent and hearing your students play and thinking, ‘Wow, this is what I want! We’ve been so lucky—thank you.
— J.K. Byfield MA
Last night’s concert was such a thoughtfully planned evening—from the performance space to the musical selections—and every aspect was at an exceptionally high level. I know the families really appreciated the effort you put into making it such a special night, and I, personally, enjoyed every second of it
— J.E. (music teacher colleague) Boxford MA
Susan has been a constant presence in our children’s homeschool education. My daughters (15), (10) are both students, participating in private and ensemble lessons. They started at 7 years old.

It has been amazing to witness their growth musically through the years. Susan has added such depth and abundance to their education.

She has always shown care and love in the way she teaches. Her knowledge and skill transcends the physicality of the strings. We feel truly blessed to have her in our lives. So blessed, that as an adult, I decided to learn the viola after yearning to play a musical instrument since I was child. My girls chose the viola for me. Susan has gifted me her patience, grace and love of music that I will cherish for the rest of my life.
— V.H. Hamilton MA
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Thank you, Susan, for sharing your love of music with my child. We are so grateful for you!
— H.M. Essex MA
We love your skill and patience with all of your students. The music you make is divine
— C.H. Rockport MA
Thank you for the joy of music in our home. You have guided our son so well on his musical journey.
— M.M. Wenham MA
Thank you for guiding my daughter in her love of violin and her skill. She has gained so much under your instruction
— J.R., Wenham MA
Thank you for your dedication to the students. Your love and devotion is clearly shown every year at the spring concert
— C.G. Gloucester MA